Pat and Bee's Life

At the speed of crazy!

Friday, June 03, 2005

About Us

Well, I finally signed up for a blogging network thatI plan on using. Hopefully we'll get everything setup with pictures and all. I've been planning ongetting a website up for Pat and I, but I'm lazy, andnot that HTML inclined.

I thought we'd start with a bit of history!

I was born and mostly raised in San Diego CA, with a bit of time in Colorado mixed in, and a dash of T.J. for good measure. I like using exclamation points in my writing, so get used to it!

I'm now 26 years old, engaged to the most wonderful man ever, and I have a dog named Puppita.

Pat is 24, and graduated from the
University Of Idaho That's right, he's a Vandal.

Pat once lived in Vermont. Which has lead to his despise of all things New England, including the Patriots. I can't blame him for that one!

He's also lived in Tuscon Arizona, and a short time in Boise Idaho. His family lives in Knoxville Tennessee. His father works for the Department of Energy, and is as much a white board geek as Pat is. Pat's family are all very nice! His sister, JoEllen married Mike, whom she met while going to school. His mom and dad are easy going and very very nice. It's easy to see where he gets his laid back attitude.

My sister Beth, brother Nathan and his wife Jenelle, and my mom and dad all live in San Diego, about a 4 hour drive from where Pat and I are. I don't talk to my family much. After moving away I've tried to concentrate on what's important for me, and for Pat. Being close to lots of people tends to distort my priorities. I can't say no to people, and I feel the undeniable urge to help everyone who may need it. Regardless of what position it may put me in financially, emotionally, or physically. Pat has truly helped me overcome my stressing out over work, and my need to fix everyone and everything around me. Well, maybe he hasn't fixed it, but he's definitely curbed it.

Pat and I enjoy watching football. I like college (GO AZTECS), and Pat enjoys Pro (GO BRONCOS!). Though we'll both watch a good game anyday! I watch Nascar whenever I can (#29 Kevin Harvick). My lack of weekends off tends to cause problems though, as the races start right as I walk out the door for work, and end long before I get home.

I enjoy reading a great deal. I'll read anything from Larry King, to Dilbert. Fiction and Fantasy, biography's and how-to's. There's rarely a book I won't at least try to read. I've only stopped reading 2 books halfway through. Sword of Shannara was the worst book I've *ever* read. Although Wheel of Time was pretty darn close!

Ridgecrest is a strange town. 28 thousand people. 90% of the jobs are here because of the base. There are 3 types of people here. People like Pat. Educated, and needing a job that isn't going to be outsourced to Europe or Asia anytime soon. People like me. Dragged here by people like Pat. :p And people who were moved to Ridgecrest by the City of L.A. because cost of living is cheaper out here, and the welfare they were being paid didn't have to be increased.

We have one run down movie theatre. Pat assures me it's a fine movie place. But I'm used to San Diego. If there isn't a 20 megaplex, it must suck. Unless it's near Horton Plaza, then it's just old. There isn't much of a social life going on here. The bowling alley opens at 4pm, and is the hotspot for many of the base employees. The teenagers head out to one of the donut shops on Friday nights, to play their music and yell at passing cars. Wal-Mart is the social center of town, where people go to talk and meet each other. Sad but true. It's a shock our K-Mart hasn't gone out of business. But I guess we need a place for the people who get caught shoplifting at Wally World to go!

Pat and I plan to get married in February, on our third anniversary. We're only waiting for my bankruptcy to be completed. Hopefully it will be filed sometime this week!!Anyway, that's the start of it. Hopefully I'll remember to update!




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