Pat and Bee's Life

At the speed of crazy!

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Blogs suck!

Oki, so I haven't updated the blog, cause I've been having trouble with my html editor, but I've decided to continue anyway, without the fancy links, because I'm lazy, and you all need your little bee fix!! WOO!

SO!! Reno was fun! We stayed at John Ascouga's Nugget (, and we played at the Silver Club ( The Silver Club had 3 dollar blackjack single deck, with a royal match game, a live cover band on thur/fri/sat night, and really good staff. I mean the staff was AMAZING!!!! Pat ended up $127 up for the whole 5 days, and I ended it down $11, even after winning a nickel royal straight flush, my first one ever!!! $200 bucks baby!! WOO!

The Tailhook thing itself was awesome, and I really loved the carrier guys walking around with their "Shooter" shirts on. It was an incredible feeling. For those who aren't familiar with carrier operations (not that I am! LOL) Shooter are responsible for safely delivering each aerial vehicle off the flight deck safely. They were cool! =)

In other news, Steven May, best friend for many years, has come back from his self-imposed hermitage and is now available for people to talk to!! YAY!!

Anyway, I have a lot of updates coming, so keep an eye out!!!


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