Pat and Bee's Life

At the speed of crazy!

Monday, October 03, 2005

Another Happy Day Off!

Yesterday was a busy day, and this week promises to be just as crazy as last month was!

On the agenda for this month?
  • A trip to Disneyland with Tawnia, who still hasn't updated her blog. *coughs*
  • Trying to download most of the songs I had on my old computer! This is a monumental task, but I figured I don't want all of them, only most. And some of them, Pat even has!
  • Finding another job! I've been looking. Put in quite a few resume's, but no word yet. I am getting frustrated, but Pat is so optimistic he should be shot! :)
  • Re-plan the wedding....yay
My bankruptcy was filed today. I've started the irritating job of trying to get a new social security card without being in a city with an office. I hate being in the middle of no where sometimes!!! Oh well!

I've had this cool link for a few years now, and sometime recently Beth sent it to me, and it reminded me I had it, so I thought I'd share!

I'd like to thank Ivy for her wonderful e-card that brought tears to my little heart, and made me love her sweetness all the more! You're a sweetie girl, thank you for looking out for me!!!

I'm a little scattered today, if you can't tell. I got up and took care of stuff that needed to get done, and was focused and productive, then Pat came home for lunch and my productivity plummeted! I'd like to blame him, but that wouldn't be fair. I'm lazy, and darn it, it's my day off!!! :) So I declare today to be a lazy day! Wanna complain? Don't care! WHHHEEEEE

I've cancelled my EverQuestII subscription, and re-activated my Dark Age of Camelot account! I loved Camelot, but Steven and Pat were a little nutso about playing, and I get weirded out about sitting and playing computer for 9 hours at a time, though they can do it with no problem!! LOL I've been working more on the Camelot Stratics site, which will launch soon! I'm excited to show you guys the work that I've done on it!!! YAY!

I'd like to remind everyone that JoEllen's (Pat's sister) birthday is on October 6th, and Nathan's birthday (my brother) is on November 17th. Pumpkin pie all around! Except for Pat and I, who are still doing well on our diet!

Hit my lowest weight today! 185!! *dances* Pat and I are going bike riding tonight, and then watching the game with whatever yummy dinner I cook *glances at the clock* that I should probably start working on! But anyway, we've been exercising and eating good, and I'm proud of both of us. More of me, cause I don't snack near as much! *grins*

I thought this was cool! The discovery was made back in 1982.

Two Australian researchers have won the Nobel Prize for Medicine for their discovery that stomach and intestinal ulcers are caused by bacteria, not stress. The Swedish Nobel Prize committee cited the men's discovery as having proved that ulcers can be cured by antibiotics instead of surgery.
If you're bored and want to play something relatively safe online, try iSketch but don't become addicted, cause it's kinda scary how fun it is. Unless you're me, who should
  1. Never draw

  2. and
  3. Never play games involving drawing!
I hate it, Pat loves it, we play together! He draws, I guess. I'm pretty darn good!!!

Anyway, tonight we plan to watch some Tivo'd Amazing Race. We'll have some dinner, go on a bike ride, maybe take puppy for a walk, and Camelot! WOO!

I'd just like to close by thanking everyone I work with, and am close to, and especially my honey for their support over the last few weeks. If I hadn't had a miscarriage, the baby would have been one in September..........
Yeah. Well. I appreciate it. Even if it's hard to talk about. I love you all!


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