Movies, Movies, Movies! UGH!
The movie Jarhead opens Friday, and while I'm not a big movie buff, I do want to see it! Having known quite a few marine's while in San Diego, not to mention having dated one, they kinda get under your skin and it's hard to not feel for the sacrifices they give for our country! Should be a good movie. Looking forward to something without all the gore and grossness. A little is fine, but I don't want a Braveheart rendition. UGH!
The new Harry Potter movie comes out on November 18th, the day after Nathan's birthday. Tawnia and I want to go see Prime! And of course, my personal fave, The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe comes out on December 9th. I'll definitely be hitting the first showing. Might be late for work, but oh well!!! I haven't gone to the movies much in forever! Since living in Boise I've seen only a few....Finding Nemo, Star Wars 3, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (YUCK), and I think that's it. So this will be a HUGE movie going few months for me!
I found this really cool USA Tourist site, that I think is really awesome!!! Definitely will help in planning our next trip! WOO!
Anyway, gotta go get some stuff done before I go to work! Everyone have a great day!!!
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