Pat and Bee's Life

At the speed of crazy!

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Wait Years For A Trip? I Think NOT!

Pat and I are so different it's funny. Pat loves his house and wants it to be nice and beautiful and to put all our time, effort and money into it. Me on the other hand....a house is what you come home too after trekking across the nation!

We want to replace the flooring in our entryway, dining room and kitchen with wood laminate. For me, that can wait til we get a newer car for me and visit Universal Studios Hollywood, Disneyland, Cabo San Lucas, Disneyworld, New York, Washington D.C., Bryce and Zion canyons, Estes Park, and a whole slew of other places.

Pat however, wants to do Universal in a few years.....YEARS! I can't live years without a trip. I'll die.

His idea of a vacation is to spend time with his family. Now, that's a GREAT trip, and it's a fun time, especially since they're cool and live close to cool places. But no where did he say doing the things in Tennessee he knows I want to do!

There's Dollywood, the Knoxville Opera, Pigeon Forge, The Great Smokey Mountains, Nashville and the Grand Ole Opry, and Graceland. I'm not an Elvis fan, but it'd be nice to see what all the fuss is about!

Anyway, our next trip is of course, the wedding!! For those plans, see this post!

I've got pictures of my fellow associates coming up this week, along with lots of new and slightly cool things!

Everyone have a great day! Countdown to our third anniversary: one day!!


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