Camelot Links and Info
Just wanted to show everyone a list of my Camelot Characters.
And that's about all I have!!!! Just wanted it in one place so when Pat asks me for a link, I can send him here! =)
Right now, I'm only playing Hibernia/Gareth. Adra is my bard, Keii is my ranger, and Melip is my Spellcrafter (tradeskill character). Adra does weaponcrafting, and Keii is going to start on tailering, for keep and tower repair reasons.
Good Camelot Links:
Camelot Monkey - A character sig tool, also helpful for keeping track of which character is where
DAoC Catacombs - Character Builder baby!
DAoC Allakhazam - Yes, I know it's owned by IGE evilness (gold selling bastiges) but it's the only good quest/epic/item list out there. Sorry!
Hell's Minions - Pat's guild. They're to big for me, I'm looking for something in their alliance, or that they're friendly with.
Italion Realm Info - Most of it is understandable, and it's helpful info
Darkness Rising Info! - WOO!
Classes of Camelot - THE best site out there for class information. Not setup well for skill/spells, but definitely outlines each class and their uses!
Camelot Vault - Boards are the most active, even if they aren't decent or nice people....sigh
Crazy List of weird DAoC Links! - random stuff.....
More Crazy Weird links
Alchemy Guides
CraftSage Info and CraftSage More Info! - Pat uses this, don't know what it is!
Kort and Circle of Fate Spellcrafting Tools - Thank King Arthur for intelligent programers, otherwise, I'd have to do this all by hand!
Guides - Some of them are out of date, but some are needed old info!
Intro to RvR missions - ugh, alla's again!
Sub-classing info from Vault - woot
Wood Info along with Keep Door Guide explains most of the wood and repairing info!
And that's about all I have!!!! Just wanted it in one place so when Pat asks me for a link, I can send him here! =)
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