Pat and Bee's Life

At the speed of crazy!

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Ramblings of a Me!

Today is kinda a crazy day at work, so I'm taking a few moments to breath and do something relaxing. There's a lot of people calling today, a lot of information being passed around that's gotta be so exact that if you let yourself get stressed or out of focus it can be disasterous.

So every few moments I pop over to my notepad to type up a tiny bit more on this post.

So how are things going for Becky? Pretty fantastic. Tawnia started playing Camelot, and Steven is still playing, so the only thing to make it perfect would be John and Lisa starting to play again! Perfect man!!!

Pat and I are planning our Thanksgiving dinner, and we always have fun with cooking together. Turkey, bread, stuffing, potatoes and gravy, sugar free cheesecake, and FOOTBALL! WOO! I'm hoping we'll be able to bring Tawnia's computer over and play some camelot after I get footballed out. 5 hours of football and I'm kinda done.

In other news, my ankle is doing well. I can walk mostly normally, though turning or stairs are difficult still.

Work is wonderful!!! I (most of the time) love the people I work with, and I love learning new things, and being able to really contribute to accounts and clients. It's really amazingly fun.

My brothers birthday is the 17th. Nathan will be 25. Wow does that make me feel old. LOL! I'm hoping he's doing well, and that he and his wife are enjoying their time together and are truly happy and content with their lives. It's an amazing thing to be complete with another person. A lot of work, but boy is it worth it!! Happy Birthday Nath. Hope that you have a wonderful day, and that Beth gives me your address so I can get you a gift on time.

Pat and I are off this Friday together!! We get a few days off together before heading to Laughlin with my parents. It'll be wonderful, and hopefully, some housework will be done as well. LOL

Pat and I are excited for the release of the Tenacious D movie, Tenacious D: The Pick of Destiny coming out on November 22nd. When I first met Pat I thought his choice of this band was both disturbing and a bad sign. But really, both guys, if demented, are great musicians. Bluegrass and classical guitar are difficult, and require training and focus. Jack Black has an....amusing I guess, way of singing, but he has great control, and wonderful harmoney. I've threatened Pat. He's not to acquire the soundtrack until after we see the movie. And then, it must be an unedited verson, so no buying it at Wal-Mart!

Pat voted last night! With no proddings from me! I am so proud of him! The Kern County Elections Division somehow lost my registration. They lost my maiden name registration as well. They don't have my social security number as ever having been registered in the county. Well then obviously, at some point, I voted illegally! *sigh* The voter turnout in Kern is decidedly conservative! YAY! Arnold won. YAY! There's moderate Democrats in both The House and The Senate. Maybe yay? We'll see how things go. I've sent in my new registration form. I will be calling the Elections Division every day to assure that they won't lose me this time!

Well, the work day is about to wrap up, and today has been crazy. I am busy beyond belief, though it's been enough to keep me from thinking about the things that went on yesterday.

I would like to wish everyone a really wonderful weekend. I'll end with a scene that has haunted me all day.

A snowy white field with a fence guarding against the road that runs alongside. A large tree, the branches weighed down with the weight of white gold upon it. Two people, bending their heads together. For warmth? To share a private thought? One of the people throws their head back in laughter, letting white whisps of smoke escape their mouth. All around them, peace and unobstructed nature. They are not a part of it. They are simply passing by, a spectator, without affecting the serene surroundings.

Makes me calm on a day like today.

I can't wait to get home and hug Pat.



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