Pat and Bee's Life

At the speed of crazy!

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Weekend Recap

Pat's tooth has been hurting him so badly. This weekend was very hard for him, being 4 days off that we should have been enjoying and having fun.

So, was okay. heheheh

Thanksgiving day went well, except for the stupid chiefs that beat my poor Bronco's. Our food turned out well though, and we had a ton of leftovers.

Friday was mostly Pat trying to sleep, playing computer, picking up, and being miserable that I couldn't make Pat feel better.

Saturday USC beat Notre Dame (the one game I root for USC during the year) but the stupid Raiders had the Chargers beat and then lost it by being impatient and untrained and I hate them. I promised the tv I wouldn't bash the Raiders for a whole year if they won and let the Bronc's be tied for first place again. Needless to say, I get to trash the Raiders (once again) and Raider fans, every freaking chance I get! At least there's something

I hate the Chargers! I hate the Chargers! I hate the Chargers! I hate the Chargers! I hate the Chargers! I hate the Chargers! I hate the Chargers! I hate the Chargers! I hate the Chargers! I hate the Chargers! I hate the Chargers! I hate the Chargers!
Shut up Beth!!!!!!!!!

We're still watching the Colts play, they seem to be doing well.

Otherwise, spent some time pvp'ing in game. Pat is on the list of weekly victors for most points this week, and let me tell you, he deserves it. He's been kicking some serious butt!! I've been running around trying to learn this expansion and hating every moment of it. The time I spent in New Frontiers is a blast, but I can't wait til tower takes and such become the norm once again.

Pat and I are 3 weeks from our trip to Tenessee, and I'm excited!!!! If already missing Puppy since we'll be gone so long! MY POOR PUPPY IS GONNA HAVE CHRISTMAS WITHOUT ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyway, I hope everyone had a great weekend and wish everyone a happy, safe, and wonderful Christmas season.



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