E3 Craziness
The anticipated unannouncement!
Microsoft did not drop the price of the Xbox 360 as expected by some on Tuesday, but the company did unveil a special edition Halo 3 model and showed several, albeit, expected games during the company's E3 press conference.
Halo 3 campaign, Rock Band, a new Resident Evil 5 trailer, Assassin's Creed, Grand Theft Auto IV, Guitar Hero III, and a very Jet Set Radio-looking Naruto game were all shown. Call of Duty 4 was also profiled to good applause in addition to Viva Pinata Party Animals which is a collection of more than 30 mini-games.
"Xbox 360 has sold more games at retail than both Wii and PS3 combined this generation," said Xbox boss Peter Moore while reading from a teleprompter. "The Xbox 360 is the console driving the industry. Half of all consumer spending this generation is on 360," he added while wearing his typical dark grey suit with lime green shirt.
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