Pat and Bee's Life

At the speed of crazy!

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

The One Where We Go Crazy

So, we're in a one bedroom apartment that's furnished and now full of our stuff. We spent a few days with Tawnia and Russell (THANK YOU GUYS), but we needed a place where we could.....I dunno the best way to put it. A place where we could walk around in our underwear and kiss each other passionately at any moment we chose.

So we moved our stuff from their place to this new one. Estimated time we'll be staying here is one month. We moved in yesterday, Monday. We got back Saturday.

So - the carpet has been ripped out of the house except for part of the living room, the computer room, and part of the dining room. The kitchen floor and Pat's bathroom floor still exist. Other then that we got nada.

Holes are either ripped into a wall in each of the rooms where carpet was ripped out or small holes were poked, to dry out the walls.

Puppy is there by himself. So far we've gone several times daily to keep him sane and pay attention to him. This afternoon Pat arrived to find him sitting on the front porch waiting for us. Now on top of the headache of the house, I have to worry over whether my dog is going to be there every second of the day.

We moved our exercise bike and some kitchen stuff, as well as our pillows and blankets here. We have the laptop and a computer here. It's got cable (how did we live before Tivo, and how do I now live without it?!), and air conditioning. There's a pool here but it's not heated. I'm very bitter!

Anyway. Life is coming to a sort of normalcy. One that I so desperately need.

Pat and I are eager to get our house back. I'll keep you all posted!



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