New Guest List!
Oki guys, in addition to the old (new) plans I've got some updated guest info! The guests are now as follows: Dress Codes?
- My Mom and Dad (Al and Vicki)
- My sister (Beth)
- Pat's Mom and Dad (John and MariLu)
- Pat's sister and brother-in-law (Jo and Mike)
- Adopted family - John and Lisa.
- Pat's Bestest friend Adrian
- Our good friend - Jeremy and his girlfriend! (I'd type her name out...but I'd mis-spell it, so I'll update it later!)
- My brother and sister-in-law (Nathan and Jenelle)
Well, ya'll know Pat and I are incredibly informal, and the wedding will be no different. Khaki's and polo type shirts for the guys. For the gals: Wear whatever you're comfortable in, but let's not wear jeans and tank tops, mmmkay?
The wedding will take place at the Shalimar Wedding Chapel. It is located at 1401 Las Vegas Boulevard So. Las Vegas, NV. 89104. It is inside the Howard Johnson hotel! We'll have more complete directions for everyone at the wedding!
If anyone has any questions, get a hold of Pat or I. I'll be emailing out our cell phone numbers and everything later this week!
Love ya'll!
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