Pat and Bee's Life

At the speed of crazy!

Saturday, April 17, 2010


We leave tomorrow morning to get John and Lisa before heading for the wonderful Carnival Splendor.

Who would have thought, SO many years ago, that my husband and I (DAoC) would be cruising with a fellow Ex-UO Counselor and his wife?! Ah, the days when Dimli left Kirach and I, dead at the milegate, to follow Ktande as he ran after the Mids.....

Those were the days, I'm telling you!!! ;p

So looking forward to this trip, a chance to relax, focus on Pat and I, and hang out with John and Lisa who are just SO much fun to be with!

There will be:

  • No twitter
  • No Facebook
  • No blogging
  • No internet even!!!
  • No phone or cell phone access (those who need our emergency contact info have been given it
  • Lots of fun!!!
I may even try to get Pat to dance. HA HA HA HA HA *wipes a tear from her eye* Okay, it won't happen, but it was fun to think about, wasn't it?

Everybody have a good week, and we'll see you on the flip side!

Monday, April 05, 2010

April Winds

Last week, the winds were crazy. Today, I wake up to 28MPH winds, with gusts up to 35-37MPH. It's crazy out there.

The forecast says 25 to 35 mph with gusts to around 50 mph, and a 50% chance of rain! That's even crazier.

Days like this it's truly scary to be here. The trees are blowing sideways, the sign posts on what few stop lights we have usually break off and swing wildly in the wind, threatening to break off and come flying right towards you.

Driving is terrifying. A gust of wind takes your car a good foot and a half to the side. And if someone isn't paying attention, bad things happen.

Add to it the dust and debris floating around and driving through an open area (like how I go to work) is scary as hell!!

I almost hope the power goes out so I can just sit here with Pat under a blanket and listen to it blow. It's scary, scary, scary!!!!

What a way to start the week!!

Saturday, April 03, 2010

The Muppets!

Not only did Tawnia return my Muppet Show 1st season DVDs, but the Muppets have a new video out!


Friday, April 02, 2010

Work and Gaming?

I was reading a post and some discussion over at Massively today, regarding in game titles and the ridiculousness of the pure length of some the names, surnames, titles, etc., some players have in games.

To be honest, I rarely post, but today I did (not the point of this discussion).

After posting I checked my old comments to see what I've said in the past, as I don't often post on sites like that. Hell, I don't often post on any gaming site except guild forums!

One my of long ago posted comments made me laugh!

The question was: Would you hire a gamer?
Ya know, since we take time off work for games, slack off, and are all hopelessly addicted!

My response was:

In a recent interview they asked what previous experience had brought about the skills I would use in the job, and I very proudly proclaimed the years I've spent not only in online communities, but also in playing these wonderful games.

They may not have taught me to use leadership skills, but they've certainly taught me conflict resolution, recovering from a poorly worded discussion with a coworker/guildie (also known as mistells). But they've also taught me very much the value of doing the same stupid, boring thing over and over again.

If that's not work, I don't know what is!

Please note, I did not mention the last sentence in the interview. But damned if it's not absolutely true! Anyway, I thought it was funny and figured at least one of you guys would laugh!

Today Pat and I are off to Lancaster to pick up his newly taken in suit, hit Coscto and Target, and head home. The books I'll read on the cruise have arrived, and we are 17 days away people!!!! 17 DAYS! WHEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Have a great weekend all!