Pat and Bee's Life

At the speed of crazy!

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

I'm Off To See The Wiz...Wai...what?

I leave in 45 minutes to hit our airport in Inyokern (IYK) to go cover the Warhammer Online media event.

I am so excited!!!!

Sometime today, WAR Stratics will go live, and I'll be in Virginia having dinner with Paul Barnett (Hilariously funny) and Mark Jacobs (REALLY great guy!!). I'm excited!!!

So, I'm out of town 'til late Friday night. Wish me luck!!!


Tuesday, January 23, 2007

I LOVE Bonnie!

Our office manager has recently moved to Montana. She'll be working from home, but in the mean time, our corporate agent is on vacantion for this week and half of next.

Levels of stress are high (not as bad as Wal-Mart at Christmas!!!), but Bonnie came through for me today and did a rather complicated procedure that I'm just not ready for yet, and I love her.

Bonnie, you're a hero, and I miss you very, very much!!!!!



Monday, January 22, 2007

Why Do You Play MMOs?

I wrote this for an article spot I'm starting on my portal through Stratics. Thought I'd share it with you guys. I hope Nathan sees this. I game because of him. =)

Since it's my post, I'll tell you why I play!

I once played on the Sonoma server of Ultima Online, back when it first launched. For a while I played Tovin, an anti-pk. Then Tovin became a role playing tailor. She mostly stayed in town, and one day I was scammed. I was outraged and I reported the scum via in game reporting and a Counselor appeared. Dressed in a pretty blue robe he explained to me that though I had technically gotten the short end of the stick, the guy had used no real bug or exploit, but had just been smarter then I had. I decided then and there that I loved that blue robe. So I went out to find counselors.

I hung out at the counselors hall for days, and found no "smurfs" for a long while. But the Counselors Hall becamse my home.

I met players, helped them with answers, and more importantly, showed them where they could go to answer their own questions (more often then not, I showed them UO Stratics). I placed games and books and food. I GM'd healing and spirit speak so I could assist the ghosts that came in and couldn't figure out how to get a rez.

I placed chairs, made clothes for people, gave out gold, food, advice and regeants in amazing numbers. There were few counselors during that time and I became, of my own accord and with no blessing from the GM's or counselors, an asset to the new players of Sonoma.

One day a counselor appeared, and I felt vindicated. He explained to me that there were only 3 or 4 counselors at the time, and that they were truly outnumbered in their duties, and that my help was greatly appreciated, since there was no in game assitance to people who weren't sure how to proceed. I fell in love.

I stuck around and made the hall as homy as I could. I was often griefed. Players would steal the chairs, games, food, clothes, and regeants that were left out. They'd claim to be newbies and when I'd spend my own gold to assist them, they'd don their own suit of GM'd armor and wander away with my hard earned cash. But I persevered.

One day, I wandered in and found the Hall had been renovated. Chairs were locked down. Tables heavy with food and drink that were useable but unstealable had been put down. Carpeting and decorations had been placed. My influence had been felt.

I had caused this. It was my work, and dedication to the community of Sonoma that had such a great influence that the GM's decided to help me in my duty. Counselors were hired and more and more they'd stop in to wave to those of us who'd made manning the hall our gametime. We were thanked for our influence and our dedication. But it was me that started it.

That's why I play. It was MINE! No one can ever take that from me. Counselor Halls, even to this day, are still decorated with my original plan for helping people. I had an impact on the community, on the game, and on my fellow players. That's a heady feeling, and one that keeps me involved in gaming even today.

I've long left UO. But as I wander the MMO world looking for a home, thinking of my original love, it was worth it.

Every blank hour sitting there by myself and helping only one person who'd wander in and wonder how to skill up on something......Or rezzing that ghost who couldn't figure out how to come back to life.....That made my day.

Now, I volunteer with a media site that covers games. I hope that even one of my guides, or interviews has helped make one persons gaming career a little better, easier, or nicer. That is why I play. This community we're a part of needs us.

Are you willing to step up?

Why do you play?

Tovin - Retired Tailor of Yew
Sonoma - UO

Sunday, January 21, 2007


The last few days we've tried some new things for dinner. The other day we had salmon with a soy sauce, olive oil and dijon mustard marinade that was really yummy.

Tonight I had a filet of rainbow trout that I rubbed butter on, salted and peppered and roasted it on the George Foreman Grill for 5 minutes per side and then ate. It was SOOOOOOOOOO good!!

This weekend has been really great. Every time I get a long weekend I think to myself, "It would be really great if I only worked part time, or if I was home all the time". It's a very poor way to start out a Monday at work, when Monday's are the hardest.

Oh well. This week will be interesting. I leave for Dulles on the 24th for 3 days in Virginia covering the Warhammer Online media event. I am hoping for a really great time. My site, WAR Stratics will be launching Monday! Check it out, and let me know if anything looks funny. LOL

Hopefully it will be a big success. Pat has written a quest database for me for the site. I'll be populating it with information once I get into beta, and then it'll be available at launch. It won't be as good as Alla's but there's not a lot I can do about that. They have an item plunderer thing that auto gets their info. I can't do that. Pat's backend stuff is as good as anything available about there, or better, and I'm very pleased with it!!!!

Everyone have a great week and remember.......always end your blog entries with witty comments!





Our Wii! We got this on December 6th 2006. We love it!!!!!!!!

Pat's parents house in
Clinton Tennessee

Pat's Cousins! Gloria on the left, Joy on the right. We met them over Christmas. Pat hadn't seen them since he was very, very young. I found these girls absolutely amazing. They're well read, grounded, well traveled (I am SO jealous!!), and just so very pleasant to be around!

Pat is on the left, I'm in the middle, and Tawnia on the right. Those are our Mii's.

Pat's Aunt, Joyce with her Secret "Bad" Santa gift. In the background sitting is Pat's uncle John, and standing is his sister Jo, and her friend that visited for Christmas whos name I can't recall....*blushes*

More Videos

Other then the below video, here's some more to make your day!

Paul Barnett Explains What Warhammer Online Is About At E3 2006 This is one of the most interesting people I've ever seen, and he's like this no matter what he's talking about. He always gets me excited to play Warhammer Online.

Speaking of WAR, here's the Cinematic Trailer that's on the official site.

Super Mario Galaxy for the Wii WOO!!!


That's right! It's shocking that I'm about to post a Youtube link...also called GooTube by Gizmodo after Google bought it.

Don't do a search for GooTube. You won't get where you think you're going. Trust me.


Star Wars Linky!

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Pat's Birthday!

Yesterday was Pat's birthday. We both took the day off to relax and be together.

We cleaned, did errands, watched a cruising show (about how cool cruising is from the Travel Channel!), and watched more TV, started some new Camelot, and had salmon for the first time ever together!

It was pretty good!!

Beth's car was stolen around New Years, and she's still waiting for either money from the insurance company or a call from the police. Good luck sis. Hope your Chargers (and my Bronco's) both do better next year.....until the final game, where the Bronco's will trounce the Chargers into the ground! =)

Beth's birthday is the 25th! So, HAPPY EARLY BIRTHDAY BETH!

Tomorrow's game with the Colts vs the Patriots will be interesting. Jeremy will be coming over to watch! GO COLTS!!

Today's link may not be appropriate for young children....who shouldn't be reading my blog anyway since sometimes I'm prone to cussing up a storm. ;) Row over angry, penis-removing doctor

Also, I'd like to make sure everyone is on the same page with this one. I cuss. A lot. Obviously not in front of my parents, or Pat's parents, but not because I'd rather not, just cause it's easier to keep the peace then to be myself apparently. Sucks.

I am who I am, don't like it? Don't care. Move along, and have a great weekend rooting for the colts.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

It's 4am, do you know where you are?

I couldn't sleep last night, so I've been up since 1am working on my new Stratics site which is scheduled to go up this weekend.

It sucks.

Being awake, not the site. LOL

Pat's birthday is Friday. I'm off. That's about all the exciting news I have to offer at 4am. Hope you're all sleeping well.


Friday, January 12, 2007


Some history!

I love going places. I love driving! In San Diego I went to Vegas and Disneyland once a month. It was a necessity.

Of course, I went to Sea World, The San Diego Zoo, The Wild Animal Park, Balboa Park, San Diego Padres games, SDSU games, or headed over to Steven and Louise's place.

I was always doing something, and avoiding both Beth and Nathan at the same time. (Love you!) When I wasn't doing something, I was attached to either EQ or DAoC with John and Steven.

ANYWAY! On to the story! Pat's idea of a fun weekend is playing computer, watching tv, playing the Wii, and hanging out. Every night, and every weekend....again, and again, and again, get the idea.

This has led to some heated discussion on both of our parts. Pat is a stay at home guy. I'm not. However, I don't have a car that can go out of town, and my stupidity previously to meeting Pat prevents me from being on his insurance until at least June. (You know, arrest warrants really come back to bite you in the ass!)

So today, we have to drive 2 hours to Bakersfield to get me fingerprinted for the California Insurance License Board, since I'll be the office contact for selling insurance. We have to be back in town by 4:30, cause my whole office is going to a meeting on Saturday held by our travel consortium, Signature Travel Network. We have to leave tonight, since it's in LA and starts at 8am. Or leave here between 1 and 2 am tomorrow....HA HA HA

It's supposed to snow down to 2,000 feet, and the pass to Bakersfield most definitely has snow on it. Now I trust Pat in the snow. 5 years in Northern Idaho will teach you to drive in snow! It's the California drivers on the other hand, are on average, scarier then any horror movie ever made!

So wish us luck! :)

Then Tawnia is coming over Sunday night, to hang out, play Wii, or watch a movie or something. We haven't decided yet.

This will tire Pat out, and he'll be an ogre. I'll be ready to do it again next weekend.

Don't think that's likely! :p

OH! A reminder! Pat's birthday is the 19th! WOO!

Have a good weekend everyone!


Thursday, January 11, 2007

The Website

Most of you know us as Pat and Becky (or Bee). But in the online world, Pat is Dimli, and I am Tovin, usually. I also go by LadyJade, Kellis, and Galadren.

But anyway! is in the works! Pat and I are both paaaaaaaainfuuuuuuuuuullllly slow at getting things done, but some pictures are up, though not labeled at all.

Pictures in the works to get up: pictures from disneyworld, Tawnia's and my trip to Disneyland, pics from Tennessee, and random pics from home.

Here's a few.......

Ryan "Blackguard" Shwayder, Ex-Community Manager of SOE's EQ2 game. He's a nice guy. I was sad to see him go.

"The kids". Me, my sister, and my brother. My husband (then fiancee) Pat, Beth's ex-boyfriend Johnny, and Nathan's wife, Jenelle.

Pat and I at Epcot with The Mouse, himself.

It's Pat's goal to always have his tongue sticking out when I snap the camera. *sigh*

STITCH! From Walt Disney World, somewhere....I forget!

My Dog - Puppita

Shockingly, I thought about his name for 3 days before I decided on it.

Since we've been back from our Christmas trip the dog has gotten out of the fence, even with a doubled back loop, a new bolting lock on the bottom of the fence where he was pushing through, and a good yelling when I was at my wits end.

So we kinda decided to get rid of him. I mean, being responsible means knowing when to give him up for his own good, and we couldn't take care of him.

But after talking about it more, we've decided to try once again.

I can only hope that things will go better this time.

I love him. He completes our family. Without him, we're only a couple. Weird huh?


Monday, January 01, 2007

Puppy's Back!

My life seriously needs a little less excitement. Stupid dog.

Happy New Year

This has just been a really sucky week for me.

You know the type.

Dog ran away, got food poisoning, didn't get along with Pat for two days straight after we got back from our trip, haven't adjusted back to Pacific time yet and I start work tomorrow, and I haven't played a computer game in exactly 3 weeks, today.

Life sucks, happy freaking new year.

[Edit: And the Bronco's lost!!! ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHH]