Pat and Bee's Life

At the speed of crazy!

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Aaaaaaaaaaand they're OFF!

Pat and I are taking off now!

You can watch the wedding here! At 2:30pm on Saturday, hit that link. You'll see Pat and I being all married and stuff!

I'd like to remind everyone to watch their manners, and their words while at this wonderful celebration of mine! :) People not getting along will be ostracized from any other life furthering events, should they ever occur. =)

Please, everyone drive and fly safe! I've sent out our phone numbers and contact stuff. If anyone needs it and didn't get'd better search your old emails, my ICQ and YIM accounts and pray, cause I won't be checking emails while in Vegas! :)

I can't wait to see Mr and Mrs Weezy, I miss them so, so, so much! And Pat is so psyched about Adrian. I miss everyone else of course...but no one is as cool as the Weezy's! :)

Anyway, gotta go finish packing and getting everything together. See ya'll (I hope) on Friday. For those who didn't get invited, or can't come *cries over her Tawnia* we'll take a lot of pictures, and we'll gladly show them off!! *dances*


*goes into withdrawls thinking of no internet for the next 2 weeks*


Monday, April 24, 2006

It's raining! It's pouring!

At least, that's the forecast for Vegas for the weekend!

Though it never rains inside the casino's, be sure to bring an umbrella, if that's your way of looking at things. :)

Anyway, Pat and I are on track for leaving on Wed! Only sad that puppy and Tawnia will be left behind. We'll miss them both terribly, but we'll take lots of pictures and we'll be sure to spend time with them when we return!

Love ya'll!


Saturday, April 22, 2006

What do we want to do tonight? The same thing we do every night! Try to take over the world!

Well everyone we are at 7 days and still counting. So here's the current plan. If it won't work for you, email me or call one of us and we'll see what we can do.

Wednesday night belongs to Pat and myself.

Thursday night we'll be staying downtown and playing lots of blackjack!

Friday Night! - Friday afternoon around 4 we'd like everyone to meet at The Cheesecake Factory which is inside Caesars Palace on the Las Vegas strip. We're hoping to be seated between 5 and 6, and we'll stay as long as we'd like, as long as Pat and Adrian and I get out of there by 8:45.

Saturday! - Shalimar Wedding Chapel is located at 1401 Las Vegas Boulevard So. Las Vegas, NV. 89104. It is inside the Howard Johnson on Las Vegas Blvd. between Sahara and Charleston. The wedding is scheduled for 2:30pm.

Saturday night we will meet for dinner at the Four Queens buffet. Meet outside the buffet entrance at 6pm. Pat and I are both changing out of our formalwear.

If you do NOT have a cell phone number for either Pat or myself, then please email me or leave a comment under this post and I'll get with you and make sure you can contact us.

Dress code? We don't need no stinkin' dress code! My dress is a perriwinkle blue, and I'm wearing a white crocheted shoulder cover and cute white shoes. Everyone is invited to wear comfy but not scummy clothes.

Sunday I'd like to get together for breakfast before Pat and I take off for home. If you're interested, make sure you let us know! We'll be hopefully heading home rather early for us (prolly 11 or so?) so let me know!! =)

Monday, April 17, 2006

New Guest List!

Oki guys, in addition to the old (new) plans I've got some updated guest info! The guests are now as follows:
  • My Mom and Dad (Al and Vicki)
  • My sister (Beth)
  • Pat's Mom and Dad (John and MariLu)
  • Pat's sister and brother-in-law (Jo and Mike)
  • Adopted family - John and Lisa.
  • Pat's Bestest friend Adrian
  • Our good friend - Jeremy and his girlfriend! (I'd type her name out...but I'd mis-spell it, so I'll update it later!)

Still Questionables:
  • My brother and sister-in-law (Nathan and Jenelle)
Tawnia is unable to make it, so we'll have to take LOTS of pictures...otherwise I can't go back to work, she'll hurt me!

Dress Codes?

Well, ya'll know Pat and I are incredibly informal, and the wedding will be no different. Khaki's and polo type shirts for the guys. For the gals: Wear whatever you're comfortable in, but let's not wear jeans and tank tops, mmmkay?

The wedding will take place at the Shalimar Wedding Chapel. It is located at 1401 Las Vegas Boulevard So. Las Vegas, NV. 89104. It is inside the Howard Johnson hotel! We'll have more complete directions for everyone at the wedding!

If anyone has any questions, get a hold of Pat or I. I'll be emailing out our cell phone numbers and everything later this week!

Love ya'll!


Thursday, April 13, 2006

My Wal-Mart Truly Is A Family

I've never been so proud of my store and associates as when I saw Josiah standing in the store with a line of people waiting to hug him, and tell him that we all loved him and his wife, who'd just lost their baby.

When we heard the baby was born 6 months early and only a pound we all clutched our chests and started to cry. When we heard the baby had died we all shed tears of pain and anguish knowing one of our own had lost a child.

When Josiah walked into that store it was amazing to see that everyone wanted him to know we were there for him and his wife. It truly touched my heart that everyone offered their love, tears, and financial support in this difficult time.

To everyone at the Ridgecrest Wal-Mart, I am proud to work with you. Thank you for showing others how we can truly be a family.

Tiffany and Josiah: We love you both so much, and we love your little daughter with all of our hearts. Please know if you guys need anything we are here for you.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

What do you say to someone who's lost everything?

Tiffany and Josiah had their baby yesterday. Tiffany was 6 months pregnant. The baby was a pound. She died later that day. My heart truly breaks for the both of them, and I don't know what to say, or do. I guess there's really nothing that can help, and I hate feeling powerless to assist.

The store will send them flowers, and the associates will send a card, hopefully simply signed once, for the store. All those "We're all thinking of you" and "I'm sorry for your loss" signatures are trite and retarded in a situation like this.

Anyway.....just thinking of them this morning and thought I'd write it out.

2 weeks til my last day at work before the wedding.

Everyone....enjoy what you have. You never know when it will be ripped from you.